Wednesday, October 31, 2012

This Is Halloween

Happy Halloween Everybody!

Personally, Halloween is my favorite holiday. It's the only day where you are allowed to change who you are into whatever you want to be without violating any school rules. I don't really go trick-or-treating much anymore, but I do still celebrate.

This year I decided to invite my friends over for a party. We talked, played games, and watched some horror videos. It's pretty interesting stuff that I could watch again, and none of my friends had watched it so we had a good time. Only weird part was when this guy in a pretty cool costume was just standing outside of my house. He didn't even move or anything for a while. We took a picture of him, cause his costume was pretty cool and we were kinda worried. I'll upload the picture later but for now I'll describe him. It was this guy wearing a black hoodie, a gas mask, and some jeans. His gas mask looked authentic. Anyway, I'll leave you guys with this:

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Greetings Everybody

Hi everybody.

I'm this awesome guy named Nathaniel Douglas. I created this blog as a way to cure my chronic boredom. I'll post about anything interesting that happens in my life. My life's not that interesting, but hey, it's not like I have anything better to do in my spare time.

Facts about me: I'm 17 years old and I live in a small town in California you've probably never heard about. I go to high school, like most people my age.
My best friend's this guy named Alexander. We've been friends for a long time.

I'll tell you guys about anything awesome that happens to me.

I also might post some weird philosophical crap or drawings, but probably not that often.

Until then, see yah

- Nathaniel